

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. This popular cosmetic surgery involves the insertion of implants beneath the breast tissue or chest wall muscles to achieve the desired volume and aesthetic outcome. Breast augmentation is chosen by individuals who seek to improve their breast symmetry, restore lost volume due to pregnancy or weight loss, or simply enhance their overall body proportions. The procedure offers a customizable approach, with considerations for implant type, size, shape, and placement based on the patient’s anatomy and goals. A thorough consultation with Dr. Cooper is important to ensure that the chosen approach aligns with the patient’s expectations and medical considerations. With advancements in surgical techniques and implant options, breast augmentation aims to provide a natural-looking and satisfying result, enhancing self-confidence and body image for those who opt for this procedure.


Breast reduction, medically known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to alleviate physical discomfort and improve the overall quality of life for individuals with disproportionately large breasts. This transformative surgery involves removing excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to achieve a more proportional and comfortable breast size. Breast reduction is often sought by individuals experiencing chronic pain in the neck, shoulders, and back, as well as skin irritation and posture issues due to the weight of their breasts. The procedure is not only intended to address physical discomfort but also contributes to an enhanced body contour and increased self-confidence. During the surgery, incisions are strategically placed to minimize scarring, and the remaining breast tissue is reshaped to achieve a natural appearance. A comprehensive consultation with Dr. Cooper is essential to determine the most appropriate approach for each patient’s unique anatomy and desired outcome. Breast reduction offers both functional and aesthetic benefits, helping individuals achieve a more balanced and harmonious body profile.


A significant portion of Dr. Cooper’s practice involves aesthetic breast revision. Patients who have had overly large implants placed to compensate for loss of volume with breast feeding, weight loss, or aging often experience lateralization of the implants over time. Without proper support, these implants generally do not age well and contribute to neck, back, or shoulder pain. Removing or replacing the implants with proper support and lifting techniques can improve the appearance or the breasts, resolve discomfort, and restore proportions to a more aesthetically pleasing result.


A breast lift, also referred to as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure to rejuvenate the appearance of the breasts by addressing loose or sagging skin and restoring a more youthful contour. Over time, factors like pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and aging can lead to a loss of breast volume and skin elasticity, resulting in breasts that appear droopy or deflated. A breast lift involves reshaping the breast tissue, repositioning the nipples to a more elevated position, and removing excess skin to achieve a firmer and more uplifted appearance. This procedure does not significantly change the breast size but focuses on improving the shape and position of the breasts.


Breast reconstruction is a transformative surgical procedure that restores the appearance and shape of the breasts following mastectomy or significant breast tissue loss secondary to injury or disease. This procedure is an option for individuals who have undergone mastectomy and wish to regain a sense of normalcy, body confidence, and emotional well-being. Breast reconstruction can involve various techniques, including the use of implants or the patient’s own tissue to recreate the breast mound. The process often requires multiple stages, and the timing of reconstruction can vary, occurring either immediately after mastectomy or at a later date. Dr. Cooper collaborates with the patient’s oncologist and other medical professionals to ensure a comprehensive and tailored approach that addresses both medical and aesthetic concerns. Breast reconstruction plays a significant role in empowering individuals to move forward after a challenging experience, helping them feel more whole and complete in their journey towards recovery.

“I did not realize the standard of care I should be looking for until I met Dr. Cooper. Before deciding to go with Dr. Cooper for my breast augmentation, I had met with two other surgeons. Both surgeons looked through me while delivering their spiel, and offered implant sizes that clearly showed that they had not listened to my preferences in any meaningful way. Dr. Cooper expertly walks the line between listening to her patients’ ideals, while still maintaining an aesthetic eye rooted in her individual patients’ anatomy. She was able to steer me toward my ideal outcome with objectivity and candor. Dr. Cooper and her team will put you at ease and over-deliver.”

“Dr. Cooper is an absolute sweetheart & an outstanding surgeon. She did my breast reconstruction 2 years ago and my results are amazing. She spent so much time with my husband and me during my consultation & explained everything very slowly & clearly. She was very patient & walked me & my family through the entire process start to finish. She even called me at home several times after my discharge to check on me! I have never had a doctor who has gone above and beyond the way she did. She has since done my tummy tuck & my eyelids & both turned out beautifully! She has also done a breast augmentation on my sister & my best friend, & they have also been very happy with their results. Her credentials are pretty impressive, but she is a very modest & humble person, which is why I just love her! I have recommended her to all of my friends & family & will continue to do so.”

“I would highly recommend Dr. Laura Cooper, After a diagnosis of breast cancer, a double mastectomy and then chemo, I was pretty down and feeling less than whole. The thought of more surgery and discomfort was pretty daunting. Dr. Cooper and her staff made me feel comfortable and at ease. Being a smoker for many years made my reconstruction harder. But with Dr. Coopers skill and personal attention, my reconstruction turned out fantastic! I am so very happy with the results. I never dreamed that after having my breast removed, that I would have breast that looked better than they EVER have. Dr. Cooper and her staff were fantastic. Whenever I had a question or a concern, Dr. Cooper was there. She called and checked up on me after surgery and even at home just to see how I was doing between visits! I am now saving my money for another procedure. Dr. Cooper will be my surgeon, no doubt about it! Thank You Dr. Cooper!”